Saturday, 1 June 2013

Homemade Oreo Cookie Ice Cream

For christmas a couple of years ago my uncle bought me a Kenwood IM200 ice cream maker, and since this week started with some nice sunny weather I decided to get it out for the first time this year and make some ice cream. When I first got the machine I wasn't particularly adventureous, mostly making fruity frozen yogurts, but after finding a recipe for Oreo ice cream online I wanted to give it a try. I'm a massive lover of Haggen-Dazs Cookies & Cream, and this was just as good!

I followed the recipe provided by 'The Purple Foodie', which can be found here:

The idea is to make a good quality vanilla custard to churn into ice cream, adding in some chopped up Oreos at the very end.

Making my vanilla custard...

The churning process...

My chopped Oreos (I used 8 cookies)... 

The end result...


Lisa x

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