Sunday 28 April 2013

Tasty Baked Camembert with Garlic & Rosemary

I spent the first 3 months of 2013 travelling around Australia and New Zealand having the time of my life - making new friends, enjoying the sea and the sun, learning to surf, exploring the big cities, and getting very overexcited when I saw my first kangeroos and koalas. During my trip I also discovered my love of double coat TimTams, Vegemite and Fergburger (a burger place in Queenstown, New Zealand), despite trying to stick to a tight budget!

Whilst in Brisbane I was lucky enough to stay with an Australian friend for a week - and I got completely spoilt! Not only was it amazing to have a comfortable double bed in my own room (which was greatly appreciated after 2 months of sleeping on lumpy mattresses in noisy shared hostel dorms), but I was so well fed! My friend Nic cooked some fantastic food whilst I was there, including tasty stuffed peppers, melt-in-the-mouth slow cooked pulled pork and lots of amazing home-baked bread. On one occasion we had the latter with a beautiful baked brie, which Nicola had cooked in a cheese baker. I knew I wanted to buy one as soon as I was back in the UK.

I absolutely love cheese, and so does my dad - so for his birthday last week I decided I would get him his own cheese baker. He's not the world's most domesticated man so whether he'll actually use it himself is yet to be determined! But I thought he would enjoy a baked camembert for his birthday lunch so I used his new present to cook for him.

I bought the cheese baker from Amazon:

Recipe: Baked Camembert with Garlic and Rosemary


1 boxed camembert
1 clove of garlic
A large sprig of rosemary
Fresh bread to dip in!


  • Preheat the oven to 200ÂșC
  • Slice a clove of garlic into thin slithers
  • Strip the rosemary sprig of its leaves, so you have only the tips.
  • Using a sharp knife poke slits into the top rind of the camembert in several places.
  • Push half the slices of garlic and half the rosemary into the slits.
  • Turn the cheese over, make several more slits with a knife and poke the remaining garlic and rosemary into these holes.
  • Ensure all plastic packaging has been removed from the camembert and place it into the cheese baker. 
  • Place the lid on the cheese baker and put it in the preheated oven.
  • Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, or until the cheese is lovely and gooey inside!


 Enjoying the gooey camembert with bread:

The one camembert was enough for 3 people for lunch - served with a crusty loaf and some carrot sticks for dipping in. My dad seemed to really enjoy it (as did I!) so I think the cheese baker was a success!

Lisa x
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